
I am a second-year Electrical and Computer Engineering student at Georgia Institue of Technology. I join the the Power Systems Control and Automation Laboratory (PSCAL) under the supervision of Prof. Meliopoulos. With a solid background in power system, computer science and data science, my goal is to develop a more sustainable, intelligent and secure energy system creating a convenient and environmental-friendly life for everyone. For more information about me please see the links on this page.

Research Interests

Cyber-physical system, power system operation and cybersecurity, renewable energy integration, microgrid control, and machine learning.

Selected Recent Publications

A modified model predictive control method for frequency regulation of microgrids under status feedback attacks and time-delay attacks

Zhengrong Chen, Zhaoxi Liu, Lingfeng Wang
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022

Value Iteration Based Continuous-time Nonlinear Constrained Optimal Tracking Controller Design

Geyang Xiao, Boyang Zhou, Kaiyi Lou, Zhengrong Chen
2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC)

Two-stage Photovoltaic Power Forecasting based on Extreme Learning Machine and Improved Pointwise Mutual Information

Zhengrong Chen, Yang Hu
2019 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC)